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If you do not want a go directly to jail card, a mandatory court appearance ticket, or your stuff tossed all over the ground as you enter the gathering, read this.

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Court Dates for Tickets Received at the Gathering

If you receive a mandatory court appearance ticket at the gathering for things like a broken tail light, failure to use turn signals, etc. this year's system is a bit different than prior years.

On Friday June 28 and July 5 there will be a voluntary magistrate with a person from the federal courts and a USFS Representative preceding at 9 AM at the Van Houten Campground (1.5 miles past the bridge on Skinner Meadow Road).  If you're a good walker, it's 3 miles from main meadow so you can walk it.  It is not mandatory to attend, but if you do, it's possible that a collateral forfeiture fine will be assessed.

If you do not want to participate in this type of resolution for your ticket, or if you do participate and are not happy with what is being offered, then you will be required to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Butte, Montana on Monday, July 8. 

If you do neither, you will have a federal bench warrant for your arrest. 

The first hearing at Van Houten Campground had only one person on the docket. I do not know if this is indicative of how many tickets are being issued. 

Feel free to ask INFO on how to connect up with legal experts to help you through the process.


  1. Got it all setup nice dont thhey sounds like they plan on making a lot of money off the gathering this year

  2. Voluntary magistrate coming out to the Van Houten campground? That's an accommodating gesture.

  3. It is as opposed to having to go all the way to town. It seems like they are trying to help make the system work. If you didnt do the alleged violation, or dont want to go to butte, just go to the CG and make it work that way.


What do you think?